Will - 1665 (Michael)

Copied from Archdeacon Wills 1665-1669 because it was embedded on p112 of a 975 page .pdf document


The last will & testament of Jony Cannon who depted this liffe ye 26 of March 1665;

first she comitted her soule to God & her body to Christian buriall,

Item she left to her husband Henry MacYlroy a gray blankett as a Legasie;

Item to her daughter Christian dj a sheep & dj a yearling hog;

Itim she constituted & ordained her two daughters Bahie & Christian her true & lawfull executors of all ye rest of her goods moveable & umoveable whatsoever

Bahey ye executrix is sworne in Court

testes Phillip Cannell

pbatum et solvit 4d Jo: Cannon

The Inventorie praysed by 4 sworne me & ye Sumner & Joh: Carrett

Adam Boy & Joh: Quaile amounts to …… 3s – 9

The goods in ye executrix owne custody & hath given in pledges secunda forman legis Adam McBooy Parson Parr letter to me to dismiss Sr: Hugh Cannell is placed in the right leafe after ys


  1. No marriage record found
  2. Daughter Christian baptised 1660; no record for Bahie
  3. No birth record for Henry MacYlroy, although burial in Braddan for a Henry McLarye - no indication of whether this is Jony's husband

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Last updated: Dec 2018